
The ABC Book of interactive storytelling

From Augmented reality to Gen-Z, the universe of interactivity is growing so fast it seems impossible to keep up with the flood of innovation around us. Here is a selection of a few words we think are worth remembering (for now!) for interactive storytellers.

This ongoing project is a result of an in-house workshop and attempt to explore florilège narrative formats made with Klynt. This 1st Edition was also made using the brand new alpha player of Klynt to be released end of 2013, with loads of new features. Stay tuned!

Concept: Claire Prudhomme
Interactive design: Arnaud Dressen, Guillaume Urjewicz, Maria Gemayel
Graphic design: Diane Boivin
Special thanks: Sarah Trévillard, Julie Salmon, Saber Chaabani, Julien Masanes, Gaylord Gauvrit.

Software & Tools
Klynt App Pro Edition (v2.6): prototyping and final integration
Photoshop & Indesign: Typography & interface elements)
Omnigraffle: Mock-ups & wireframing
Google Doc: project planning & collaborative text editing
Showyou: video curation
Disqus: comment widget