5 simple typographic tips!
In most webdocumentaries, you may have noticed the predominant place given to text, which enriches the picture, gives information other …
En Savoir PlusIngrid Kopp interview @ Colombia 3.0 !
On September 3rd, a day of conferences was dedicated to transmedia at Colombia 3.0, a three-day event about the evolution of digital …
En Savoir PlusIntroducing Klynt projects gallery!
Check out our new page www.klynt.net/projects: a selection of projects made with Klynt! Explore the many different types of productions …
En Savoir PlusRemembrance of Things to Understand, Webdocumentary Essay on Chris Marker’s Paths
Discover the project here and on the facebook page of the workshop English VersionWho are you? We are a team from the University of …
En Savoir PlusKlynt: Introducing the HTML5 new release
(Lire la version française) Since we launched our first public release last year, we have received numerous user requests for …
En Savoir PlusKlynt made: Racontez-moi la crise + interview
“Racontez-moi la crise”, un webdoc complet pour comprendre la crise sur lecho.be Interview avec Nicolas Becquet, journaliste à lecho.be, réalisateur …
En Savoir PlusKlynt made: Steve Mc Curry + interview Michele Bonechi
Interview de Michele Bonechi, réalisateur du webdoc “Steve McCurry” Vous pouvez voir le webdoc “Steve McCurry” iciHere is the link to …
En Savoir PlusQuote: BBC Interactive
There’s an opportunity now for a generation of BBC documentary that uses non-linear forms to throw light on the realities …
En Savoir Plus“Web-documentaries made easy” A special report on Klynt by the British Journal of Photography.
The audience of a documentary film is the spectator of a sequence of images that follow each other without his …
En Savoir PlusKlynt made: Rocé’s Top départ + interview Clara Debailly
“Top départ”, un webdoc pour la réédition du premier album de Rocé Entretien avec Claria Debailly, responsable graphisme/montage du webdoc …
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