Fusillés pour l’exemple, l’ultime combat
Fusillés pour l’exemple, l’ultime combat
Fusillés pour l’exemple, l’ultime combat
Fusillés pour l’exemple, l’ultime combat
Fusillés pour l’exemple, l’ultime combat

They died “at the hands of France.” Obstinate, 100 years later, the memory of the fallen 740 “shot for example” remains. Certainly, they do not equate the million and a half soldiers who “died for France” during the 52 months it took this conflict to end. But, despite everything, they haunt our minds and hearts; these young soldiers who did not know, and could not survive the fear, the duty, the madness that battered them to death.

Fusillés pour l’exemple, l’ultime combat

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