
Klynt Webinar Catchup

If you missed our previous series of webinars on how to use Klynt, now is a good time for a summer catch up!

Simon Duflo has been hosting almost every single webinar for the past year. But he didn’t just stand before his computer. He also traveled the world to festivals, hackathons and various events to introduce Klynt and help storytellers master the application.

Simon is now leaving Honkytonk and France for Colombia. As a result, we had to stop our free weekly webinars for the time being. If you have missed them, no worries, they have been recorded so you can watch them over and over again, until you understand everything about Klynt.


The first webinar is for Beginners. Simon starts from the very beginning, by creating a project and showing you how to master Klynt essential interfaces and sequence elements (image, text, sound, video, button, shape, link).


The second webinar is about the more advanced Klynt features. Simon takes off where he stops at the end of the beginner webinar and explains how to understand iframes, the customisation of Klynt’s widgets, and finally how to publish your project on the web.


The last webinar we introduced was about the latest major feature of Klynt. You can now build a fully responsive project in Klynt. Here you will learn to build a responsive sequence from the ground up.

We are now preparing a new cycle of webinars, broader, more diverse. If you have any suggestion, please let us know in the comments!